Basically you are a student than you have many questions in your mind to improve your score in exam so don’t take stress & makeup your mind to make Strategy to get a good marks in exam .Don’t waste your time in worrying and too much thinking.
Revise main point, your notes & brief summary. During exam time set your time according to your exam. Attempt all question. Short question must be attempted because these questions increase your score. Improve your calculation speed because calculator doesn’t be allowed in exam.
1. Be confident – Relax your mind when you start preparation for exam with cool mind. Make patience.
2. Be regular – If you started your study don’t be disturb, don’t be late & be regular.
3. Time management - Maintain a time according your exam. Prefer to study in morning time. Time set in your mind you does this work in time period.
4. Accuracy – You need to be more accurate and faster when you attempt your Question with accuracy.
5. Attempt all questions – Attempt all question. Short question must be attempt because these questions increase your score in exam. In exam completed all question in time. After reading the paper set the time for every question.
6. Get Familiar – Read all paper is carefully. Read every question three times. After reading the paper your half paper solves at a time and you did your question easily and quickly.
7. Check paper – After solve every question you check your paper and try to find out any mistake.
If you concentrate and in proper way to follow all these point and start your study with hard work you are definitely successful in your exam and get a high score in exam.